How a Marketer Created Orange Juice

The concept of drinking oranges took shape thanks to the ingenuity of a clever advertising executive named Albert Lasker.

In the early 1900’s, Lasker learned that the California Fruit Growers Exchange was cutting down orange trees due to a lack of demand for oranges in America.

Lasker envisioned a solution: orange juice.

First, Lasker changed the name California Fruit Growers Exchange to Sunkist. Then, he realized Americans typically didn’t eat more than one orange a day.

Needing to increase sales, he realized it took 2-3 oranges to get a glass of orange juice.

Lasker then invented and marketed a juice extractor.

Americans could now buy oranges and a juice extractor to make their own orange juice at home.

This is a win for everyone: 1) Sunkist sold more oranges. 2) Orange trees were no longer being cut down. 3) Albert Lasker will live on in advertising history forever.

Do you love this story? Even if you don’t… it got your attention. That’s what a good marketer does: Gets attention.

Now, let me tell you about me: My name is Christine Schinagl. Since 2014, I’ve been a successful professional blogger and content creator. Recently, I founded my own social media marketing company in Clermont. I specialize in working with small businesses in Central Florida.

1916 Orange Juice advertisement.